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[BOP]⋙ PDF More Than Blood The Arcane Book 1 edition by Amanda Vyne Paranormal Romance eBooks

More Than Blood The Arcane Book 1 edition by Amanda Vyne Paranormal Romance eBooks

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Download PDF More Than Blood The Arcane Book 1   edition by Amanda Vyne Paranormal Romance  eBooks

Erotic paranormal romance
Author’s Edition

Gabrial Ferrar is a House Marshal, an enforcer of the laws of his people. But when his investigation into missing young girls lead him to a dark alley his path crosses with an incredible crossbreed whose blood promises him a lifetime of pleasure he’s willing to sacrifice everything to gain. Yet her past may be the key to stopping a deranged killer from taking the life of another little girl -- but only if he can gain her trust before time runs out.

Kel Sheridan works for a private agency called Incog, a vigilante organization that deals with the dark underbelly of the Arcane. While investigating a local blood ring she finds herself uncontrollably drawn to a stranger and in the time it takes to press her lips to his, he's made her his blood mate. Kel is furious, especially when she discovers he is a son of the House that turned her out on the streets as a child for not being of pure blood. When another little girl disappears she finds herself needing the strength of the unwanted blood bond between them to face the truth of her past to catch their killer.

More Than Blood The Arcane Book 1 edition by Amanda Vyne Paranormal Romance eBooks

Gabrial is a Sanguen, a type of vampire. His society is complicated, old, and hasn't moved on with the times. Sanguen have what they call a house for every bloodline, sort of like a council, which controls everything that a vampire of that lineage does. Gabrial is currently serving as a house Marshall, another name for an enforcer. He doesn't always agree with the old ways, and in this case is pursing someone that he's not been given permission to go after. While watching the man, he meets his mate, and she is the most unsuitable woman fate could have picked for a high ranking Sanguen male.

Kel is a half breed, Changeling and Sanguen. She was thrown out of the Sanguen house for being a half breed and put into a terrible situation as a child. She's pulled herself out of that life though, and is currently a type of investigator for a large firm. During her bust, she finds a man that she never wanted to meet... her mate.

Oh my, so complicated. Kel and Gabrial both end up driven by instinct and blood bonded against both of their wishes. His because she is unsuitable, hers because the last thing she wants is a Sanguen male, or any male for that matter, but particularly this one. It's an interesting twist because so often when characters meet like this they are instantly in love and simply fighting feeling. Here they both realize that they don't want it, but fall in love anyway. I love Kel because she is definitely a strong heroine, and can put away the bad guys all by herself. I like that she didn't suddenly need Gabrial's help every time she turned around. That's sometimes one of my pet peeves with romances, the heroine is perfectly capable before she met him, why is she not capable after? There are a couple of nits though, if Gabrial is such a strong person why does he continue to follow the old ways? I recognize that he goes outside the rules occasionally, but he seems to be too worried about what his house will think about Kel, not what she means to him. The story line does twist and turn, but in this book you kind of get an idea right away who the villain might be. There are many interesting characters in this story that I would love to see more of, and I thought the dialog and story flowed well.

Overall, a great new author, I can't wait to read more of her books. I highly recommend this one, particularly if you like strong women and lots of action. I hope it doesn't take as long as the second book, More than Life, which took two years!

Product details

  • File Size 1063 KB
  • Print Length 236 pages
  • Simultaneous Device Usage Unlimited
  • Publisher AMC Publishing; 2 edition (October 13, 2013)
  • Publication Date October 13, 2013
  • Sold by  Digital Services LLC
  • Language English
  • ASIN B00FW18W9I

Read More Than Blood The Arcane Book 1   edition by Amanda Vyne Paranormal Romance  eBooks

Tags : More Than Blood (The Arcane Book 1) - Kindle edition by Amanda Vyne. Paranormal Romance Kindle eBooks @,ebook,Amanda Vyne,More Than Blood (The Arcane Book 1),AMC Publishing,FICTION Romance Fantasy,FICTION Romance Paranormal
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More Than Blood The Arcane Book 1 edition by Amanda Vyne Paranormal Romance eBooks Reviews

Triumvirate made up of witches that are feared by all the Arcane(Supernatural) due to a blood pact in the past that prevented all out war/extinction.

Sanguen a vampire. They burn in the sun if exposed for too long but do not die. Regular eye sight and hearing. Stronger and faster than average human. They are vegetarian. Do not feed from humans, as they do not have blood that can sustain them. Males feed from their own females. They do not feed from the same females as that would create a bond between the two that is not sanctioned by The Council of Elders. (This is correct in regards to ths Ferrar House; which is a focus in this story).

Crossbreeds the term itself is self-explanatory. Examples Sanguen and Guardian/ Sanguen and Elemental, etc. They are hated by the Triumvirate and Pureblood Sanguen(i.e. Ferrar House). Seen as wild rebels with no respect to the old ways. Lots of the crossbreeds are abandoned by their parents at an young age and put in Triumvirate "foster" houses(the worst of houses; several types of abuse occur here daily).

Guardians The Triumvirate uses them as guards. They sere enslaved by them long ago. Are extremely powerful. They are vampires who are not effected by the sun and are faster and stronger than the Sanguen. They also have a heightened sense of hearing and they eat meat. They too are hated by the pureblood Sanguen.

Drachon Fire Breathers.

Elementals those who have power over an element.

I loved this new world of vampires. The seperation among the Arcane was very peculiar. They all seem to stay clear one another but somehow always end up in each other's business. I found this both amusing and intriguing. It is clear that the Triumvirate has a bigger hold on these communities even though it is not explored in depth but only touched on briefly.

Now on to the actual story. House Marshal Gabriel Ferrar has disobeyed the council's orders and has gone off in search of his "cousin" Karl Pryor, who he believes is somehow involved in the dissapearence of four girls. The Elders refuse to see him as a suspect as it would be a blow to their house and because a distant relative of his sits on the council.

After following him, he comes across a rabid Karl who he later learns is dealing with a dealer by the name of Jamss Centrone aka Jimmy. However, a girl(Kel) interrupts this deal and as the dealer runs and she gets bitten by Karl, something uncontrollable occurs with Gabe that his him pulling out his swords to save this strange woman who stirs instincts in him that he has never experience.

A blood bond is formed between the two and that's where everything gows to hell. They don't want to be bound for different reasons and those reasons are what push the plot forward and help reveal secrets that cause a change within Ferrar House and the disease that has been running rampant within throughout the years. Doesn't make sense. Read the book!

I loved Kel. Regardless of her traumatic past, she was tough. She definitely kicked butt and showed Gabe that she could protect herself. Who doesn't love a strong heroine.

This book is more than sex and romance, it deals with trauma, prejudice, mystery killers and an unjust system. It's fanatastic, even though you do get a tad annoyed at the inner dialogue between Gabe and Kel. I understood the passive-aggressive stance but a little less would have been more pleasing to the eye while reading. I did love the sexual tension though. I was living it with them. That's how engrossed I was in the story. And I loved Kel's Bff, the Drachon Raife. I really want to see where his story goes.

Great book. Highly Recommend.
I downloaded More Than Blood as a free book from . I hadn't read anything previously written by this author, but the blurb was interesting and the book was free, so I thought I'd give this one a try. I have to say, I really liked the characters and plot, and I am puzzled by the 2 and 1 star reviews, as I enjoyed the writing style enough to add more of this series to my TBR. Good world-building. perfect pacing, and protagonists you want to root for.
Gabrial Ferrar, as House Marshal, is a protector of the laws of his people and Kel Sheridan, an investigator at a vigilante organization, is an enforcer of the laws of the Arcane. Their paths cross when they find themselves following and investigating the same person (a member of the house Ferrar.)

Author Amanda Vyne takes you on a beautiful journey full of lust, passion, raw attraction, and fierce protection as these two characters fight against an inevitable magnetism.

I truly loved this book for it made truly allowed me to feel the raw desirability and attraction between the two protagonists. The burning desire to give in to your primal needs, while fighting to honor your fears and protect your heart, are the main struggles that these characters experienced.
Gabrial is a passionate, fiercely protective male pure-blood, while Kel is a hesitant yet willing participant in their lustful connection.

There is nothing I disliked about this book and highly recommend it to those seeking an escape into the paranormal world. It’s a beautiful story, led by passion and the struggle between giving and taking of one’s mind, body, and heart.

- Marianna Maguire
(Graymalkin Editing)
Gabrial is a Sanguen, a type of vampire. His society is complicated, old, and hasn't moved on with the times. Sanguen have what they call a house for every bloodline, sort of like a council, which controls everything that a vampire of that lineage does. Gabrial is currently serving as a house Marshall, another name for an enforcer. He doesn't always agree with the old ways, and in this case is pursing someone that he's not been given permission to go after. While watching the man, he meets his mate, and she is the most unsuitable woman fate could have picked for a high ranking Sanguen male.

Kel is a half breed, Changeling and Sanguen. She was thrown out of the Sanguen house for being a half breed and put into a terrible situation as a child. She's pulled herself out of that life though, and is currently a type of investigator for a large firm. During her bust, she finds a man that she never wanted to meet... her mate.

Oh my, so complicated. Kel and Gabrial both end up driven by instinct and blood bonded against both of their wishes. His because she is unsuitable, hers because the last thing she wants is a Sanguen male, or any male for that matter, but particularly this one. It's an interesting twist because so often when characters meet like this they are instantly in love and simply fighting feeling. Here they both realize that they don't want it, but fall in love anyway. I love Kel because she is definitely a strong heroine, and can put away the bad guys all by herself. I like that she didn't suddenly need Gabrial's help every time she turned around. That's sometimes one of my pet peeves with romances, the heroine is perfectly capable before she met him, why is she not capable after? There are a couple of nits though, if Gabrial is such a strong person why does he continue to follow the old ways? I recognize that he goes outside the rules occasionally, but he seems to be too worried about what his house will think about Kel, not what she means to him. The story line does twist and turn, but in this book you kind of get an idea right away who the villain might be. There are many interesting characters in this story that I would love to see more of, and I thought the dialog and story flowed well.

Overall, a great new author, I can't wait to read more of her books. I highly recommend this one, particularly if you like strong women and lots of action. I hope it doesn't take as long as the second book, More than Life, which took two years!
Ebook PDF More Than Blood The Arcane Book 1   edition by Amanda Vyne Paranormal Romance  eBooks

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